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 Annual Award Winners*
We honor accomplishments
2019 Award Winners
Jared Kushner  
Absentee Baltimore slumlord
Donald Trump's son-in-law
and presidential advisor

William Barr  
Attorney General
Donald Trump's personal
taxpayer funded lawyer.

airplanes grounded worldwide.
Mitch McConnell  
Lifetime achievement award
Vetoing more bills in Congress
than any president.

2018 Award Winners
Mike Pence  
Vice, President of
White America.
For-profit school corporation
funded by public tax dollars.
2017 Award Winners
Ivanka Trump  
Chinese made products
Paid workers $62 a week for 60 hours.
Dark money financing
Sold out their morals, honor, dignity
Wisconsin con
Massive raid of state treasury.
"View as" feature
Helped Russia get Trump elected.
Wilbur Ross   
Trump's Sec. of Commerce
Undisclosed financial ties to Russia and Putin.
2016 Award Winners
Trump Organization  
Acquired the White House
Demolition of American democracy
Wells Fargo  
The fake account scandal
Lead an effort to doom small banks in the mortgage market .
Cambridge Analytica   
Operations research for Republicans
Partly owned by the family of Robert Mercer
2015 Award Winners
Windows 10
Collected personal information about its customers.
2014 Award Winners
Gave consumers fake credit scores
Caterpiller Corporation  
Avoided $2-1/2 billion in U.S. taxes
Duke Energy  
Major hazardous waste spills into rivers
Pharmaceutical company
2014 fraud settlement
Pat McCrory  
GOP Govenor of NC  
Covered up environmental damage being done by Duke Energy
2013 Award Winners
Monsanto Corporation  
Major control of U.S. food supply Inc
Dominant control of market
Raises prices when sales decline

Apple, Inc.
Tom Cook, CEO
Operated shell game
out of Ireland to
evade billions of
dollars in taxes.

Rick Perry  
GOP Govenor of Texas  
Championed laws to prevent
Tesla cars to be sold
anywhere in the state.
2012 Award Winners
Mitt Romney  
Co-founder of Bain Capital
and GOP nominee for President

Called 47% of Americans
lazy, shiftless, moochers
who refuse to take
care of themselves.

John Schnatter  
CEO Papa John's Pizza
Cut employee hours
to avoid providing
employee benefits

Jim McNerney  
Boeing CEO
Encouraged all Boeing suppliers
to export jobs to Mexico.

Richard Lacks,   
CEO, Lacks Enterprises, Inc.
Directed his employees
which way to vote

Pharmaceutical company
2012 fraud settlement
2011 Award Winners
Gorton Norquist  
Republican Godfather
General Electric  
Moving X-ray Business to China
World's largest medical imaging business
Jeffrey Immelt, CEO of GE  
and Chairman of President Obama's
outside panel of economic advisors

(Demonstrating how to move jobs to China)
2010 Award Winners
BP Corporation  
Gas and Oil Producer
Gulf Oil Spill

The Koch Brothers  
Bankrolling political organizations
2009 Award Winners
Comcast Corporation  
Media control and distribution
Wall Street Bank
2008 Award Winners
American International Group, Inc  
Insurance Giant
Credit Default Swaps
2007 Award Winners
Lehman Brothers  
Investment Banking
Credit Default Swaps
Bank of America Corporation  
Financial Services
2006 Award Winners
Merrill Lynch  
Finance and Insurance
Bain Capital Partners  
Alternative asset management
Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co  
Leverage buyouts
Multinational Corporation
2005 Award Winners
Oil and Gas
2004 Award Winners
Chiquita Brands International
Bananas and other produce
Multinational Insurance
2003 Award Winners
Federal National Mortgage Association   
(Fannie Mae)
Jack Abramoff  
2002 Award Winners
The Boeing Company  
2001 Award Winners
HealthSouth Corporation  
2000 Award Winners
Enron Corporation  
Energy, commodities, and services
Institutionalized, systematic, creative accounting
1999 Award Winners
Arthur Andersen  
Accounting Services, Consulting and Auditing
"Think straight, talk straight, straight to the bottom line."
  * "You do not have to be a member of the academy to win," albeit never hurts.
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Last updated * 2019-08-03
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