Corporate Corruption Consortium |
It all began when man was born. Some men were born with more than others:PossessionsThese were things that were largely a function of a person's birth, i.e., things which people did not get to choose. They could not do anything about them. (except to lose them, e.g., due to sickness or injury.)
- Strength
- Wisdom
- Health
Thus began the distinctions, differences, and separation of the "haves" and the "have-nots."
And soon it included other tangible and intangible "possessions" -- things that were acquired. In addition to physical attributes (including mental capacities) other tangible and intangible items soon became discriminators.Rulers -- a.k.a. "Middlemen"However, things really escalated when man advanced from hunters and gatherers to become farmers and start to grow crops and raise animals.
- Family (tangible)
- Territory (tangible)
- Knowledge (intangible)
- Skill (intangible)
For the first time, people began to have things in significant quantities (and no longer had to rely upon daily hunting and gathering.)What man was - some stronger than others.
- Some people had more that others.
- And some people had none.
What man possessed - material goods - food supplies, .
Taking from the many and giving to the few.Methods
Many people doing the farming (tiling the soil, planting and harvesting the crops, raising the animals, etc.)
Many people to consume the food et al.
The antithesis of a true free market system.
- Many people doing the farming (tiling the soil, planting and harvesting the crops, raising the animals, etc.)
- But only a few who controlled the storage and distribution.
- to the many people who want to consume the food et al.
- The methods and means by which the few ruled the many.Civilization
Coerion, force (a return to the jungle), explotation, ....
This is not inherent in ruling. Throughout history there occasionally have been rulers who were good, fair, and truly contributed value to society. Unfortunately, these tended to be the exceptions.
- Some may say that this separation of the haves and the have-nots is the very essence of civilization. However, there is nothing inherently "civil" in that.Morality
True civilization involves the caring for others. Even in the animal kingdom, there is caring for and sharing with family members and others of the same species. It is this for others who are different that differentiates civilized people from their uncivilized ancestors.
civ·i·li·za·tion (noun)
- a relatively high level of cultural and technological development; specifically : the stage of cultural development at which writing and the keeping of written records is attained
- the culture characteristic of a particular time or place
- the process of becoming civilized
- refinement of thought, manners, or taste
cor·rup·tion (noun)
- impairment of integrity, virtue, or moral principle
- inducement to wrong by improper or unlawful means (as bribery)
- a departure from the original or from what is pure or correct
It has been said that the "morals" of a persons amounts to nothing more that the perception that person has of what she or he can or cannot get away with.Organization
The haves typically have gotten away with more than the have-nots.[pun]
Another characteristic of "civilization" is organization.Domination
Man over other species of life.The CON
Men over women
The organized over the unorganized
-- cf.labor unions
-- cf.Slave traders
-- cf.Company management
-- cf.Governments (vs. general population)
-- cf.Medically insured (vs. the uninsured) -
- illusions, willingness to climb over, ....
See also CCC.
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